Monday, March 29, 2010

Nomination for BNG Nieuwe Theatermakers Prijs 2010

photo: Irfan Redzovic, Mess, 2009

Sanja Mitrovic is nominated for the BNG Nieuwe Theatermakers Prijs 2010 (the best new theatre maker) for the production "Will You Ever Be Happy Again?"

The docu-tale "Will You Ever Be Happy Again?" is selected for Blind Date Tour, serie voor Nieuwe Theatermakers, organized by Theater Instituut Nederland and The performance will be shown in 13 theatres in The Netherlands in April. More information you can find on: The critics and the review you can find under Categories section.

The performance is made in 2008, in Bitef Festival in Belgrade.The show was received with great enthusiasm and was triggering many discussions in almost every context where it has been shown - in the theatres and festivals in The Netherlands, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Switzerland, France and Belgium.

Stichting Stand Up Tall Productions


Unknown said...

Hi Sanja,
As Vladimir suggested, I am leaving my impressions of 'Will you ever be happy again' on your blog.

The innocence of children playing war games is the perfect start to an electrifying, intelligent and troubling show. Guilt is there from the beginning: the manipulation of a child's imagination, all for the good of a glorious nation-building vision, is always a sorry thing to see. Even when it is carried out in the elegant, sweet way that you and Jochen have got down to every detail.
Guilt is a dark force, even darker when it pervades a complete population, as has been the case in Germany and still does in Serbia. The show brings this ever closer, with the pictures of Jochen's grandmother, your '99 friends and the clumsy Sarajevo rape joke highlighting the raising tension.
And how unbearably ambiguous it gets when we see the friendly new Dutch citizen shouting hooligan chants at the top of her lungs...
You are a powerhouse on stage, completely in control of the situation, mind and body working in complete coordination.
Impressive, important show. I hope to see it again. And looking forward to the short history of crying!
All the best,

Tom Weeber said...

Dank Sanja dat je me deze andere kant liet zien. Ik werd erg gelukkig van je voorstelling, maar dat is niet het goede woord.


Unknown said...

Dear Sanja,

after I visited your performance in Vienna this week, I felt as liberated as after a good psycho-therapy session! Being a member of your generation who played the same games in the childhood, a witness of the turbo-folk-nationalism madness of the whole nation, and one among those who left Serbia short after bombing, I want to congratulate you for this masterpiece!
Thank you!